Contact Telephone number is a mandatory field. Contact Name is a mandatory field. Company Suburb/Town/City is a mandatory field. Company Street Address is a mandatory field. Company Name is a mandatory field. Invalid State Code. You must select at least one employee before continuing. The Postcode must contain four digits. The Group Number must contain eight digits. You will not print any Group Certificates because you did not select any. You must specify a Tax File Number for each employee before continuing. You must have a Client Mnemonic stored in your General Payroll Information settings before printing Plain Paper Group Certificates. You must have employees before using this function. RFBA Total Gross Salary, Wages, Bonus, etc. (excluding amounts under "Allowances" and "Lump Sum Payments") Total Amount of Tax Instalment Deductions: Number of Records Tax File No. Employee Print Description Group Certificate Boxes Authorised Signatory: Supplier Number: Group Number: Contact Fax: Contact Phone: Contact Name: Postcode: State: Suburb/Town/City: Street Address: Company Name: (To use this option you need ATO-supplied NAT46 Group Certificate stationery) of Step You may now click the Finish button. Don't forget to send Group Certificate copies to the Australian Taxtation Office as required, and remember that the ATO also need a Group Certificate reconciliation at year end. Congratulations You've completed your Group Certificate printing. The address of the Tape Processing Centre is detailed on the Magnetic Media Information Form. You may now click the Finish button. You should now copy the EMPDUPE file onto a DOS-formatted diskette, complete the Magnetic Media Information form and the Magnetic Media-Multiple files form (if required) and send them all to the ATO's Tape Processing Centre. Congratulations! You've completed your Group Certificate printing and the creation of the ATO's EMPDUPE file. You should compare these figures against the printed copies of your Group Certificates before sending the file to the Australian Taxation Office. The EMPDUPE file that has just been created contains the following totals: Important: Please verify that ALL printed Group Certificates are accurate before saving the EMPDUPE file. Click the Help Button if you intend to use multiple files. The EMPDUPE file that is created contains entries for ALL employees having pay amounts in their pay histories, whether or not you print a Group Certificate for them. When you click the Next button, a dialog box will appear. In the dialog box, select the location on the computer (or disk) where you want the file to be saved. The ATO now accepts multiple files on the same disk provided naming conventions are followed. A Group Certificate will be printed for every card with a checkmark. Click the arrow to review or change the information for each employee. All employees must have a Tax File Number in order to print a Group Certificate for them. Certain types of fringe benefits are required to be reported on Group Certificates. In this step enter the grossed-up taxable value of reportable fringe benefits received. If you are unsure as to what should be reported here, contact your local ATO. In this step you will decide which payroll categories should be added to each Group Certificate box. Choose a box by clicking its name on the left, then select the payroll category(s) that "fill" that box. Descriptions may also be entered. The ATO requires contact details and group number for the person processing Group Certificates. Also if you have approval from the ATO you can specify the Authorised Signatory. If you are unsure about these items, contact your local ATO. Please confirm your company's name and street address details. For overseas companies click on the help button for additional information. Please select the type of Group Certificate form you wish to use. If you have an inkjet or laser printer, Plain Paper forms are recommended. If you use a dot matrix printer, the Continuous Form selection is best. That's It! You're Finished! Check Group Certificate Totals Create EMPDUPE File Review Group Certificate Before Printing Enter Reportable Fringe Benefit Set Up Group Certificate Boxes Your Contact Information Your Company's Group Certificate Information Select your preferred Group Certificate Type